1, 4 & 6 are likely to be correct
1 When the target group is American adults, who very often have landline telephones and cellphones, it can be argued that including them will be more accurate.
4 This may be true; I can imagine that there are people, socioeconomically different, who don´t have (access to) landline phones.
6. Birthday doesn´t have anything to do with age, as suggested in nr. 5 and nr. 7. Birthyear does. The selection of most recent birthday in a household is a good way of selecting at random.
2, 3 and 8 are statements that don´t have any scientifical reasoning.
The belief in one God is A.
Extinction: In psychology, the term "extinction" is described as one of the learning processes in which gradual decrease or weakening in a particular response related to a "conditioned stimulus" occurs when that particular stimulus is being presented in the absence of any reinforcement. During the extinction process, an entirely new connection with the specific stimulus is being learned that generally inhibits the "expression" of the original memory.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the extinction process.
*chief must maintain mutual harmony, mutual co-operation ,mutual understanding among people.
* He/she should develop trust worthy ,peaceful and co-operative environment.
*He/ she should control conflict ,eradicate superstations from society.
* He/ she must develop the feeling of co- existence ,help and respect to each other among people of ghana.
*likewise,chief should increase the feeling of sympathy , living together,emotional atrachment.
* He / she must launch awareness among people about the importance of unity and national integration.