Inform readers about people who deny the causes of climate change
Example #3: Romeo, Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare)
Romeo is also a very good example of a tragic hero. He is a man of high social standing, who falls in love easily with a girl whose family holds animosity towards his own family. Romeo's tragic flaw is start believing on his fate immediately
When referring to 'us' it would be better if you stated the minority or majority.
Anyway, The entire American Government was made to support the white man. There is no such thing as equality or political justice, nor is what remains of it supporting others.
2) It reinforces the idea that the rights given to others are not extended to African Americans
p.s. Maybe write on the margin of the paper (beside the second question): Rights were only given to the white man, thats why in many situations the white women would find themselves in an aliance with the African Americans— it was fueled by a want/need for freedom.
Smokejumpers are wilderness firefighters who jump out of airplanes and parachute into remote areas to fight wildfires. Their job is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. ... He believed the best way to quickly attack remote fires was to fly firefighters to a position near the fire.