3. Gills
5. Land
1. Eggs
2. Cold
4. Skin. (Not sure about this one.)
Such songs have power to quiet the restless pulse of care
Layla reacts to hospitalization with disbelief and resistance, while her parents accept the sad fate.
Layla does not accept the compulsory internment that she and her parents are going through and although they decide to settle this destiny in order not to have any more problems, she decides to fight and resist and for this reason, she joins with other people who have been forcibly taken to boarding schools. and creates a resistance group that will fight against ill-treatment, lack of freedom and disrespect for citizens' rights.
No, old age COULD mean death, but we do not know. Young children, or young people are also subjects of death. We do not know our time when we go. It all depends MOSTLY on your lifestyle, smoking, drinking (bad things) can lead to death very fast. But, young people, they are not allowed to do those things, and our teachers, help us not to so we live a long,good life. We have red-ribbon week for a reason, to help people get out of bad-habits that WILL takeaway their life one day. Old age can mean anything, As well as young age.