Explanation: Goals should be broken down according to time because it allows the team to decide what their overall purpose is, and to define the actions that will allow them to achieve their overall purpose.
This one obtains results that the others in particular do not have, whether it is even one more word or another initial sentence
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double DrivingCost(double drivenMiles, double milesPerGallon, double dollarsPerGallon)
double dollarCost = 0;
dollarCost = (dollarsPerGallon * drivenMiles) / milesPerGallon;
return dollarCost;
int main()
double miles = 0;
double dollars = 0;
cout << "Enter miles per Gallon : ";
cin >> miles;
cout << "Enter dollars per Gallon: ";
cin >> dollars;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 10 miles : " << DrivingCost(10, miles, dollars) << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 50 miles : " <<DrivingCost(50, miles, dollars) << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 400 miles: "<<DrivingCost(400, miles, dollars) << endl;
return 0;
- Create a method definition of DrivingCost that accepts three input double data type parameters drivenMiles, milesPerGallon, and dollarsPerGallon and returns the dollar cost to drive those miles
- Calculate total dollar cost and store in the variable, dollarCost
- Prompt and read the miles and dollars per gallon as input from the user
- Call the DrivingCost function three times for the output to the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles.
The solution code is written in C++
- float cellPhone(int m, int tx){
- float COST_PER_MIN = 0.1;
- float COST_PER_MESSAGE = 0.2;
- float bill_amount = m * COST_PER_MIN + tx * COST_PER_MESSAGE;
- return bill_amount;
- }
Firstly, declare a function named cellPhone() that takes two input parameters, m and tx (Line 1).
Since the policy of the carrier company is not given in the question, I make a presumption that the cost per minutes is $0.10 and the cost per message is $0.20 (Line 2- 3).
Next, apply the formula m * COST_PER_MIN + tx * COST_PER_MESSAGE to calculate the total bill (Line 5) and return the bill_amount as function output (Line 7).
becaus with is and I'm right