Debian based Linux distribution is a free distribution software and an operating system. It is composed of a open source and free source software. It is one of the most popular distributions.
A computer file name is a unique system of identifying the computer stored file in the file system. The names of the different file system have different formats or extensions in the file name and imposed different file restrictions.
In the context, the full path and the file name of a file that displays a time zone settings on a Debian Linux distribution is " ../etc/timezone".
While statements determine whether a statement is true or false. If what’s stated is true, then the program runs the statement and returns to the first step. If what’s stated is false, the program exits the while and goes to the next statement. An added step to while statements is turning them into continuous loops. If you don’t change the value so that the condition is never false, the while statement becomes an infinite loop.
If statements are the simplest form of conditional statements, statements that allow us to check conditions and change behavior/output accordingly. The part of the statement following the if is called the condition. If the condition is true, the instruction in the statement runs. If the condition is not true, it does not. The if statements are also compound statements. They have a header (if x) followed by an indented statement (an instruction to be followed is x is true). There is no limit to the number of these indented statements, but there must be at least one.
Ping the interface using the cmd or terminal
Please find the attached file for the complete solution:
some questions may require links, however there should be a process that links have to be verified before they show.