It is used to put all types of Excel functions in alphabetical order.
an instance variable is a variable that is within a class but it is outside of constructors, methods or blocks.
the instance variables for the class bankAccount can be accountNumber, account holder name and balance.
below are the types and names declared to hold the information.
private string accountHolderName;
private int accountNumber;
private double balance;
accountHolderName is a string data type because names are in alphabets.
accountNumber is an integer since they are in numbers.
balance is a double data type because it is a floating point number.
<h3>The answer is true because it protects our secret account </h3>
The customer's browser has been hijacked by some attackers may be.
According to customer's explanation there is possibility that that his data may be stolen and he has to disconnect computer from network and then call given number in order to get back his data.