The health specialist assigns and ICD-9 CM code E000.0 - E999.1 for classification of external causes of injury and poisoning. Since the patient suffered a fractured tibia while on a ski trip, it doesn't mean that he was injured while skiing. The health specialist will need to find the main cause of his fractured tibia, and in that, will be given ICD-9 code E000.0 - E999.1.
Hello me you are (__) years old but right now I am (__) I just wanted to say that you have been healthy and the benefits are amazing so be proud of yourself! You should eat a cake or something lol! I'm glad you have exercised so when I run, I'm not out of breath. and i have eaten vegetables because that will make me stronger so if I need to carry anything I dont fall down with it.
<span>B is the closest answer. When an immune response is triggered, phagocytes are induced and they go to the site of the invasion by the foreign body. These then digest and destroy the bacteria that triggered the response. Other cells are also activated at this point to assist with the immune response.</span>
<span>During this event, the stomach virus caused water to leave the cells, leaving the cell at risk of death from having too much of other substances, such as salt. Having sports drinks can bring the water and salts levels back into balance by allowing isotonic conditions to be re-established.</span>
Probably around the neck area, since the blood vessels are there. It would still be painful since you are basically gasping for air.