Einstein was a dedicated scientist. He worked hard, focused on details, and did not give up until he had formed a theory that worked. His ideas were bizarre, but they helped scientists make many discoveries.
Make sure to include a conclusion about einstien as a scientest, suport that conclusion with details from text and support your conclusion with details from your own experiences.
Answer: Einstein was a dedicated scientist. He worked hard, focused on details, and did not give up until he had formed a theory that worked. His ideas were bizarre, but they helped scientists make many discoveries.
Close friend and supporter of Charles Darwin especially in his theory of evolution. 1868 examined samples of mud recovered from the deep-sea floor 11 years back to discover a surface layer of thick mucus-like material with small embedded particles on the samples. Bathybius haeckeliiafter famous naturalist Ernst Haeckel Subdivisions looked to move so he assumed they were a form of living protoplasm and he named the "organism".
Approximately 70% of Earth's surface is covered in ocean water. When water at the ocean's surface is heated by the Sun it gains energy. With enough energy, the molecules of liquid water change into water vapor and move into the air. This process is called evaporation.