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Article II of the Constitution establishes and and details the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.
Their alliance disturbed the ruling class, who responded by hardening the racial caste of slavery.[1] [2] While the farmers did not succeed in their goal of driving Native Americans from Virginia, the rebellion did result in Berkeley being recalled to England.
By comparing South Carolina's royal government to the other colonies, it was established that "Unlike most colonies, South Carolina had a bicameral legislature."
- This is evident in the fact that South Carolina's royal government has two houses.
- There are His Majesty's Council and the House of Commons.
- His Majesty's Council has twelve members all selected by the British King.
- The House of Commons has members elected by the colonists members.
- To be eligible to vote and be voted for in South Carolina during this period requires certain traits to be met, including being a white male, and having some financial worth defined by the government law at the time.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is option A. "Unlike most colonies, South Carolina had a bicameral legislature.
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