This famous writer was born Joseph Rudyard Kipling in Bombay on December 30th, 1865, after his mother Alice Macdonald, a methodist minister’s daughter, and his father John Lockwood Kipling, an artist, moved there so John could work as the director of an art school. Kipling lived happily in India until he was six, when his father sent him back to England to study. At sixteen Kipling returned to his parents in India and worked on the Civil and Military Gazette, also writing and publishing a number of poems and stories. Kipling returned again to England in 1889 where he gained fame and credibility with his publication of Barrack-Room Ballads. In 1892, he married an American, Carrie Balestier, sister of his dear friend and sometimes partner, Wolcott Balestier, and settled with her in Vermont. There he wrote Captains Courageous and The Jungle Books, and Carrie gave birth to their first two children, Josephine and Elsie. The family moved to England in 1896 and settling in Rottingdean, Sussex the next year. Here their third child John was born. Unfortunately their daughter, Josephine, died during a family visit to the U.S. in 1899. Around this time Kipling was deemed the “Poet of Empire” and produced some his most memorable works, including Kim, Stalky & Co., and Just So Stories. In 1907, Kipling accepted the Nobel Prize for literature. In 1915, his son John died in the battle of Loos, during World War I. Kipling continued to write and became involved in the Imperial War Graves Commission. In January 1936, Kipling died, but not before the completion of his autobiography Something of Myself.
I found this on this site hope it helps
When Napoleon needed money, he sold Jefferson the Louisiana
Purchase, which he had acquired when he conquered Spain. To find out what he'd
just purchased, Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis and William Clark to explore
it. It covered an area from Louisiana northward to Missouri and across the
biggest part of the Great Plains and Northwest. The team which went with them
included such diverse people as Sacajawea, a Shoshone Indian and her baby Lewis's
slave, French trappers, woodsmen, and other interpreters. Lewis concentrated on
cataloging what they found, such as the various Native American tribes,
animals, and plants, and mapping the region, while Clark was the woodsman who
led the expedition. They went through many hardships, though miraculously only
one member of the expedition died over the several years they were gone. At one
point they were starving in the Rocky Mountains--there was not enough fat on
the deer they shot to keep them alive. They found an Indian tribe to barter
with, but the chief refused to deal with them until Sacajawea walked in--she
was his sister, who had been kidnapped from the tribe at the age of 5! Needless
to say, they got their food. They made it to the Pacific Ocean, where they then
split into two groups, one of which took a more southerly route back.
B. and D.
I believe, but I am not 100% sure!
Nowadays, North Korea is a country ruled by an autocratic ruler (that is to say, a kind of government where one person has all the power, in this case, a dictator) in a one-party system (the Workers´ Party of Korea), in what is called the Kim Dynasty (nowadays Kim Jung Un is the Chairman and absolute ruler of the country). The Kim Dynasty has ruled the country since 1948.