The car I just bought needs all kinds of repairs. Adjective clause: I just bought. Hope this helps! :)
A play that ends with death is traditionally considered a tragedy.
A tragedy is a type of a play which ends on a sad note - usually, one (or sometimes many, even all characters) die, and usually in a very tragic way. Take Hamlet for example - almost everyone dies there: Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia - almost every important characters is gone by the end of the play.
auto means “self”
bio means “life”
graph means “write”
One evening, me and my friend Jack were playing outside. We decided a friendly game of football would be fun. We were just tossing and throwing the ball to each other, like normal boys would do.
All of a sudden, Jack started crying. I went up to him in desperation, as I noticed that he had broken his arm! He ran into the neighbor's car, and he hit his arm so hard on the side mirror, that it broke! We had to admit him into the hospital!
After a long time in the emergency room, Jack was free to go to his house. This had to be the scariest moment for me. I'm going to be taking a little break from football. I hope this never happens again...
C, Centered around male power
The partiarchial system is based around power given to men and often passed through the parriacal side.