A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place across two settings: the court of Athens and the woods. Every production will have these two settings, but they could be staged in lots of ways.
We have shifted to our new resident in Las Vegas from Los Angeles. We were 3 in our family, Me, mom and dad. Dad is usually have to stay out of the home for his business purpose. Me and my mom lives alone enjoying each other's company. But still, mom used to do her household work like shifting, cleaning, cooking etc so she was mostly busy and I was getting bore as I had nothing to do.
On the very next day, when I was coming from the market a dog came to me and started chasing me. According to his behavior, he he wanted to play with me. Suddenly my neighbor came out and interacted with me. It was my neighbor's dog. They said 'sorry if he tried to irritate or hurt you, he is wild don't mind'. I said 'No, he didn't' and they went inside. From that day I've noticed that they always caged him.
One day, I asked them why they always use to cage him. They replied with an irritating look on dog 'He is wild and unpredictable, one day he almost bited me. Since then he used to be in cage'. I knew some times when we nurse dogs, they don't misbehave intentionally, they just want love and attention. So I decided to change my neighborhood's thinking. I brought a dog he used to play outside and spent most of the time outside. Once he bited me as well, but still I didn't get brutal with him. It surprises everybody. They asked me why I'm still with him. I replied 'when you love someone, you didn't let anybody let down even in the hardest circumstances. Animals wants attention and love from us. For them, their owner is their world'. That changes everybody's opinion.
Next day, I've seen my dog playing with my neighbor's dog. I went outside and seen my neighbors thanking me to make them realize a very good thing in life. I'm happy that the dog is no more in cage.
please mark me brainliest
Foodstuffs Have Been Invented
Have you ever wondered where all the new foods on the grocery store shelves come from? Every year, hundreds of new foods are developed, each one the result of the efforts of an inventor. Three popular foods that originated in North America are potato chips, chewing gum, and peanut butter.
Potato chips are now Canada's most popular snack. The average Canadian eats 4.5 kilograms of potato chips per year. Accidental inventions do happen. An expanding potato. George Crumb, a chef, invented the chip 150 years ago. One night, a restaurant patron requested thinner potatoes, so George fried them. Soak them in oil. The customer loved them, and the idea took off. But it wasn't until a potato peeling. A machine could manufacture and distribute potato chips across North America.
Our food is constantly evolving thanks to inventors who are always coming up with new ideas. Enjoy your potato chip, chew your gum and spread your peanut butter! Enjoy! Maybe one day you'll invent your own food.
Here is a little help with getting you started.