e. argued in favor of the gold standard.
A gold standard is an economic system that equate gold' weight to a certain amount of currency. When it first enacted in united states, One Troy ounce of gold can be converted to $20.67.
McKinley use his support for the gold standard as his main platform during his presidential election. He argued that including other metal beside gold (such as silver) as a monetary standard can create a volatility in the value of the dollar.
Physiology, neurobiology, and evolutionary.
Positive psychology is a strand of standard psychology that encourages the study of happiness and the potentials of human ability. Unlike standard psychology, which attempts to identify and treat individuals with psychological problems and dysfunctions, positive pisocology seeks to highlight the patient's psychic points that enhance happiness and enhance the patient's abilities and skills. Prospects help provide insight into the various factors that underpin positive psychology are physiology, neurobiology, and evolutionary.
the rights of displaced tribals of Madhya Pradesh who were earlier not given the rights to fishing in the Tawa reservoirs owing to the monopoly of state-level corporations
Diseases, Weather, and Food Sources.