simple sentence
A simple sentence may be defined as the sentence that contains only one clause, and also a single subject along with a single predicate. A simple sentence always have an independent clause, which stands alone. Simple sentences do not have a dependent clause.
In the context, the given sentence is a simple sentence since it has a single independent clause and also a single subject and predicate.
Buggana Rajendranath Reddy (born 27 September 1970) is an Indian politician and current Minister for Finance, Planning and Legislative Affairs in the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
to impose an economic boycott on British trade, and they drew up a Petition to the King pleading for redress of their grievances and repeal of the Intolerable Acts.
Morgan breeds and sells snakes. he knows that he can make the most money by breeding and selling albino snakes. albinism is a recessive trait. his female albino corn snake just produced six offspring. two displayed normal coloration and four were albino. what is the chance that another offspring produced by the same parents will be albino? There will be Fifty percentage chance of the snake having another offspring produced by the same parents to be albino