The first person that answered is correct just to let you know!
Measurement (Count) of Cell Numbers:
1. Breed Method:
A known volume of microbial cell suspension (0.01 ml) is spread uniformly over a glass slide covering a specific area (1 sq. cm). The smear is then fixed by heating, stained, examined under oil immersion lens, and the cells are counted.
Customarily, cells in a few microscopic fields are counted because it is not possible to scan the entire area of smear. The counting of total number of cells is determined by calculating the total number of microscopic fields per one square cm. area of the smear.
Answer: The carbon dioxide is the output and oxygen is the input of the Scuba apparatus.
The scuba apparatus is a life saving apparatus used by the sea divers. It recycles the exhaled gas and removes the carbon dioxide and compensates for the utilized oxygen gas before the diver is actually supplied with the gas for the purpose of breathing in a circuit. Hence, the carbon dioxide gas is the output and the oxygen is the input.
Answer: Tbh i dont rlly know But i think it might be C. do grits work better at illing ants than commercial products?
If im wrong srry!
Hope this helps!