Idk the options but it could be genetic variation
If the presence or absence of a factor limits the growth of the ecosystems elements, it is called a limiting factor . There are several abiotic factors that limit ecosystem growth, including temperature, precipitation, sunlight, soil configuration, and soil nutrients
Yes it does. Are you trying to find out the name of the Membrane? if So, it's called: Semipermeable
Alkali metals are any of the elements found in Group IA of the periodic table (the first column). Alkali metals are very reactive chemical species that readily lose their one valence electron to form ionic compounds with nonmetals. All elements in the alkali metal group occur in nature.
For him they were just discrete physical units of inheritance. Johanson coined the term "gene" and people started calling them genes. Today for us these factors are parts of DNA, the base sequences that carry the biological information to determine a trait. Mendel factors are alleles of genes.