This character trait is known as homoplasy. the definition of homoplasy that two or more species share a character, but they did not descend from a common ancestor.
This trait is known as convergent evolution, or convergence.
One advantage would be fertility
Corn crop is resistant to herbicides because they are genetically modified through genetic engineering. There are some bacteria which are resistant to herbicides i. e. no effect of chemicals on that bacteria. So the biotechnologist take a gene from this resistant bacteria and induced it in the corn plant which becomes the part of their genetic makeup. So when we apply herbicide, the gene produces some enzymes which cancel the adverse affect of herbicide and only weeds are affected.
pancreas: secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine
esophagus: the place where peristalsis takes place
small intestine: area of the digestive tract where most nuturients are absorbed
stomach: area of the digestive tract that follows the esophagus
large intestine: area of the digestive tract where mostly water is absorbed
peristalsis: so the food can move down towards your stomach, independently of gravity
pancreas: helps your stomach become the ultimate weapon to destroy anything that gets in there with its enzymes
small intestine: it is really really long -> more time to absorb nutrients
large intestine: like a farm of bacteria, the most exotic things that somehow made it through all the way here are finally destroyed -> also, water absorbtion: your body wants to retain as much as possible, this is how and where stool formation takes place