The VI in LabView indicates c-Virtual Instrument
The VI in LabView is a program-subroutine. The VI stands for Virtual Instrument. The VI is composed of a Block diagram, Connector panel and a Front Panel.
A. 01010111
This is because in odd parity, the number on the far left (the 8th number) would always be a 0
3) Improving image quality
A responsive web design is a web design that makes website to be user friendly to website users. It enables the users to have an optimal and enjoyable experience when making use of websites.
A responsive web design is the basis on which websites are built. It makes websites interactive for users such that that find the websites easy to access, easy to read and very interactive.
Computer programs used for creating a responsive web design are:
a) JavaScript
b) Cascading Style Sheets e.t.c
The item used for formatting a responsive web design is Improving Image quality. This helps to make the website responsive for users.
Page orientation is the direction in which a document is displayed or printed. The two basic types of page orientation are portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal). Most monitors have a landscape display, while most documents are printed in portrait mode.
The answer to the question is c