name = input("Enter name: ")
droids = int(input("How many droids you want to meet? "))
wookies = int(input("How many Wookies you want to meet? "))
print(name + " wants to meet " + str(droids) + " droids, and " + str(wookies) + " Wookies")
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the name, number of the droids and number of the Wookies
Print the name, number of the droids, and number of the Wookies
Note that while getting the input for the droids and wookies, you need to typecast the input the int (Since the values are int). Also, to print these variables, you need to typecast them as string in that format.
Pharming involves redirecting users to a fraudulent website even when the user has typed in the correct address in the web browser. An individual can accomplish this by changing the hosts file of the web address that the user is trying to access or by exploiting a DNS server error. Both of which will allow the individual to convince the victim that they are accessing the website that they were trying to access, but instead they have been redirected to a website that looks identical but is owned by the individual. The victim then enters their valuable and private information into the website and the individual can see it all and use it as they wish. Usually, this is done to steal banking information.
the Word processor is used to for
* Editing of documents
*Formatting of documents
*Creation of documents
*Saving documents
The answer is "XML"
Extensible Markup Language is a marking language, which specifies a collection of document. It uses the coding rules, which is readable for both man and computer.
- It is a scalable way of creating data formats and sharing structured data through the internet or private networks digitally.
- It permits the development of custom tags to identify, transfer, verify and view data among apps and organizations.
A subprocedure explanation: because it is