It is so important because complex carbohydrates give you the most energy
Cilia are found in certain a. protozoa.
In the field of biology, cilia can be described as thread-like projections which are membrane-bound, found in mammals and various microorganisms referred to as ciliates.
Protozoa are eukaryotic organisms that are single-celled. The protozoa can either live freely or choose a parasite to live in.
Cilia are present in certain protozoa in order to help the protozoa in movement. The cilia also help the protozoa in gathering food for nutrition. The cilia also make it possible for protozoa to attach to a surface. Sensations in a protozoa can also be generated through cilia.
The cilia cover the entire surface of the protozoa cell.
To learn more protozoa, click here:
They transport amino acids
You may have heard the phrase "mithochondria is the powerhouse of the cell". This is because, embedded in the inner mithochondrial membrane, there is a protein that is capable of creating ATP by using the energy that results from dissipating the chemoelectric potencial between the intermembrane space and the mithochondrial matrix, by bombing protons (that came from the degradation of sugar) to the mithochondrial matrix.