C:Well they should definitely not coin money
The narratives about Hiroshima can be illustrated as victimization and triumph.
Hiroshima as victimization.
Japanese recalled the war in terms of victimization. World War II brought to mind the deaths of family and friends. They also recalled the bombings of their cities.
Hiroshima as triumph
To most Americans, the shattered city was a symbol of triumph. It marked the end of a global conflict. It was hard to imagine the Japanese surrendering without the atomic bomb. Therefore, the use of the atomic bomb on the city brought about the Japanese surrendering.
The Liberal Republican Party of the United States was an American political party that was organized in May 1872 to oppose the reelection of President Ulysses S. Grant and his Radical Republican supporters in the presidential election of 1872.
The register is used for tax lists, voter lists, membership in the universal health care system and other purposes, and it is maintained by the tax authorities. All eligible voters receive a card in the mail before each election which shows the date, time and local polling place.