Olivia, a citizen of nebraska, wants to file a suit against micah, a citizen of kansas. their diversity of citizenship may be a basis for a<u> "federal" </u>court to exercise jurisdiction.
Federal courts are set up under the U.S. Constitution to choose debate including the Constitution and laws gone by Congress.
Federal court jurisdiction, by differentiate, is restricted to the sorts of cases recorded in the Constitution and particularly accommodated by Congress. Generally, federal courts just hear:
Cases in which the United States is a gathering;
Cases including infringement of the U.S. Constitution or government laws (under administrative inquiry purview);
Cases between natives of various states if the sum in debate surpasses $75,000 (under decent variety purview); and Bankruptcy, copyright, patent, and sea law cases.
<span>The Achaeans were the prominent tribe, due to superior warfare skills. Homer refers to Danaads, too, but we take it as the same people. </span>
Rianna can file a lawsuit against the corporation if it refuses to reimburse her for her expenses.
Option: (C)
- For the loss that has been suffered due to the negligence and actions of the corporation, Rianna can legally attempt to sell the property of the corporation as an officer, but the action of selling has to be initiated with the consent of other officers of the corporation.
- The shareholders in the corporation can also demand to sell out the property owned by the corporation in order to pay them for their loss.
d) continues throughout life.
Political socialization occurs all life long as a process when people acquire ideas and values. This initially happens in the family, then educational endeavours could be later, but also social groups have influence. Together with mass media pressing on, and other forms of propaganda then political socialization is increased.
There are other reasons why it continues lifelong, the laws, religion, sex and gender form or are embraced in political ideals.
The geography, race are also often factors that will affect the process.
The change in values is more often than tought if we consider how non static some variables are.