Better healthcare
Rise in birthrate
Food security
Lack of awareness/ education
Cultural influences
Lack of family planning
Religious propagation
Malicious intent to change demographics
For Social support
Perception of marriage & family.
This rapid population growth has an adverse effect on the natural resources and quality of life.
However, overpopulation has a deleterious effect on the environment due to the current lifestyle.
There would be rampant exploitation of natural resources, excess human waste accumulation, chances of epidemics, etc.
Besides, it would also lead to socio-economic problems like poverty, malnutrition, violence, corruption, etc.
Human overpopulation occurs if the number of people in a group exceeds the carrying capacity of the region occupied by that group.
El calentamiento global causa que el nivel del mar se eleve, debido a que el hielo en las plataformas continentales se derrite y que el agua del océano se expande al calentarse.
The overall chemical reaction of cellular respiration converts one six-carbon molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen into six molecules of carbon dioxide and six molecules of water. ... So the carbons in the glucose become oxidized, and the oxygens become reduced.
More nitrogen in the atmosphere leads to NITRIC ACID RAIN.
When nitrogenous fertilizers are used on the farm, some gases are released into the atmosphere including nitric oxide. These gases rises up into the atmosphere, mix with rainfall.
Nitric oxide react with rainfall to form nitric acid and it falls as acidic rain.