Water-soluble nutrients stored in blood are routed directly from the small intestine through the portal vein to the liver before any other organ. The portal vein or hepatic portal vein is a blood vessel which carries blood from the GI tract, to the liver. The blood contains nutrients and toxins extracted from digested contents. The portal vein is not a true vein, since it conducts blood to capillary beds in the liver and not directly to the heart. It is the main component of the hepatic portal system.
D) Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
Food is ingested in the mouth, passes through the pharynx that connects the mouth to the esophagus. It moves down the esophagus by parastalsis. It is further digested in the stomach, absorbed in the small intestine and indigestible material together with fibre is passed to the large intestine where its either digested by freindly bacteria or eliminated as waste by defecation.
Segregation of alleles happens when the pair of alleles of each parent separate and only one allele passes from each parent on to an offspring. So if you had heterozygous tall plants and mated them (Tt x Tt), they would each separate into T and t, allowing each offspring to get either a T or a t from each parent. The possible genotypes would be TT, Tt and tt.