When purchasing a vehicle it is important to weigh out your decisions prior to your purchase. Safety is very important but it comes with a price. For example if you want airbags and anti-lock brakes you will need to buy a newer vehicle and that will cost you more money. If you want to drive a larger SUV that will protect you more because of its size you will be paying more for gas. It all comes down to a person's views on safety and personal freedoms...and of course cost of the vehicle. For me it will always boil down to cost and efficiency of the vehicle.
I did the homework in class and got it correct.
Answer: packages typically arrive no later than the end of the business day. During busy holiday delivery times, packages to a non-residential address may be delivered as late as 5:00 PM.
This is an example of conservation.
Conservation is one of Jean Piaget's developmental accomplishments, in which a child understands that changing the form of a substance or object does not change its amount, volume, or mass. This is typically accomplished between the operational stage of development around ages 7 to 11. Therefore, it is typical for 4-year-olds to not be able to comprehend the concept of conservation.
The answer would be True.
I hope this helps :)
Hammurabi's Code was left behind as Hammurabi's legacy. This was the first written set of laws and was ruled by harsh punishment for wrongdoings. This set of laws is the foundation for most modern societies today.