Our well-being can be influenced by constructive and destructive relations. Constructive relationships can continue to strengthen our character and how we communicate with others. In the other hand, our self-esteem or our relations with other people can be destroyed by destructive relations. Depending on the kinds of relations we have, such relationships will affect your well-being positively or negatively.
Constructive relations are relations in which roles are flexible, there is "mutual respect" for relations & "open communication". These are a few elements of a strong communication. This results in a happier and healthy well-being. There is a positive effect on the persons involved in the relationship and such relationship make the lives of people healthier and peaceful. Also, a constructive relation portrays strong "mutual understanding" between two people.
On the other hand, destructive or toxic relation are distinguished by selfish intentions and lack of respect for others wellbeing. These relations must be stopped. This contributes to a very "poor health" which may lead to problems with "mental health". In such relationships there is no "mutual understanding", which creates a big difference in the relationship between people leading to tension, anxiety and depression. It is usually impossible to get out while you are in a destructive relationship but it may be achieved with proper support.
A. a group of political activists who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy is your best answer.
Political Party's can structure two ways. The first way is through policy (such as many of the political party's today), while the other way is through a candidate (such as the Bull Moose Party). A political party is where like-minded people (at least on most of the policies) congregate together to push for their agenda, as well as selecting candidates that fit their policies to become a candidate.
Australian is able to increase sales in foreign markets
A) True
It is true that some theoretical positions hold that individuals who embrace rigid beliefs function at a higher cognitive level than those who embrace a non-judgmental position.
They believe holding such a rigid belief means a high sense of maturity and belonging which is a characteristic of people who have high cognitive levels which is why the statement is said to be true.