A. insects fly around a bright lamp at night
insects are naturally attracted to light due to presence of positive phototaxis. Insects revolve around the light in the same way as electrons do around the nucleus.
Patterns. ...
Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation. ...
Scale, proportion, and quantity. ...
Systems and system models. ...
Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation. ...
Structure and function. ...
Stability and change.
I wanna say the answer is cause and effect
Ultimate control of testes development is by the hypothalamus which secretes Gonadotropin-Releasing hormone.
Hypothalamus is the one that send signals to your pituitary gland to produce Gonadotropin, which will determine how much testosterone your body produce. which will directly impact testes Development.
Answer - Yes! of course. For better outlook you want to be in a city like Miami, FL U.S or someone populated cause that is where your able to find patients in need of recover. Other then that we will always need occupational therapy assistant because its crucial to the recover with some help and maintenance.
Reasoning - It is in fact true because in a city you can find a populated are that probably fractured their hand and needs some assistant for help recovery if the main doctor is not there.