Uhhhh I believe it’s true if it’s wrong I’m srry ....
highest of five numbers in the file
- This code reads the file "some-file.txt" and saves the result in variable "somefile"
- The runs a for loop for a count of 5.
- In each loop it compares the current value of the file with the value of the variable result and if the result is true it updates the value of the variable result.
- At the end of this code the variable result will contain the highest value in the file "some-file.txt" and print it.
"Having more than one goal can cause problems at work as it makes it difficult to focus on just one thing and thus can lead to poor results. This is because by having multiple goals there is less concentration, less focus and therefore less ability to accomplish various goals at work with more efficiency and quality."
A. Warm water is melting the Arctic Sea ice.
C. The sudden flow of warm waters into the sea are rapidly warming the ocean's surface.