The feeling in Rumpelstiltskin are dark he felt lonely at times and was so pressured when celled a monster
I know it is c becoue I had tht for homework one nite and I got it right
I disagree with the statement that "Crooks is NOT a victim of racism". This is because, the possession of books, furniture, and having his own room doesn't give him the freedom to mingle with the other ranch hands. Rather, they keep him alone so that he won't be among them, and they won't have to be near him.
Crooks is the black stable buck in John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men". He lives alone in the stable and not among the other ranch hands who stay in the bunkhouse.
The statement that "Crooks . . . is NOT a victim of racism" is not true. According to me, even with all the personal possessions (own room, furniture, and books), his living quarter is in the stable, with the animals and not with other human beings in the bunkhouse. His statement to Lennie <em>"I ain't wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain't wanted in my room</em>" is evidence of how class/ race disparity is there even among the workers. He also added <em>"They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. They say I stink."</em> This clearly shows the division among the workers, though they are all under Curley.
Therefore, it is <u>wrong to say that Crooks is NOT a victim of racism</u>.
Americans celebrate the fall season in many ways. One way people do this is through Halloween. This is true because according to the text "Everywhere you might wonder why pumpkins are appearing on you neighbors porches."
Use a five-paragraph form. As most academic essays, a rhetorical analysis essay must include three written parts: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introductory paragraph is short, and it begins with a strong hook to induce the reader's interest. First of all, mention who the speaker is.