Ustedes podrian estudiar en la Universidad Simón Bolívar.
That means, You could study at the Simón Bolívar University.
Hope it helps :)
So these questions are asking names of each person from each country and where they’re from so since you didn’t give us that information I will answer and you just have to fill in the blank with their name or their country!
1. El muchacho de Venezuela se llama (name here)
2. La chica salvadoreña se llama (name here)
3. Andre es de (where is Andre from here)
4. Rafael es (colombiana or hondureño)
5. La nacionalidad de Lorena es (Lorenas nationality)
You have to describe everything? You can download google translation
La vacuna contra el sarampión funciona inyectando un poco del virus vivo pero debilitando el paciente. Esto hace que tu cuerpo genere anticuerpos para pelear contra el virus