I think it’s Apple ios
It’s definitely not Microsoft but my guess is Apple
You can not communicate directly between Angular and MySQL. You'll need to build a back-end Web service that calls MySql using php or node. Angular can communicate with this back-end Web service via http.
1.) Business Engineering or Manufacturing :)
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depends is it just a survey? because if it doesent matter about the questions ou can do basic quuestions such as "what is your favorite video games" or "what is your favorite food"?
File system is simply a management system for files that controls how and where data are stored, where they can be located and how data can be accessed. It deals with data storage and retrieval.
Examples of file system are NTFS, FAT(e.g FAT 16 and FAT 32), ReFS.
ReFS, which stands for Resilient File System, is designed primarily to enhance scalability by allowing for the storage of extremely large amounts of data and efficiently manage the availability of the data. It is called "resilient" because it ensures the integrity of data by offering resilience to data corruption. It does not support transaction, encryption, file based compression, page file and disk quotas, to mention a few.