> It will run out the function under the if statement.
> As an if-else statement is saying if (something = something, etc) do (this this and this [let’s refer to this as 1]) Else do (this this and not this [let’s refer to this as 2]) Since it is true, it will do the original function (1).
> It is saying if this is true, then do this (1). If it is not true, then do this (2). Basically the else is there in case the if is not true, or equal to anything other than what’s intended.
> Since it is true however, it will do what the original function (1) is. So this is our correct answer. Once again, it is; “It will do the original function under the if statement”.
> I hope this answered your query, and any other questions you may have had on the subject. #LearningWithBrainly
Interntors present an interesting kind of people who think in peculiar ways sometimes. This ability allows them to view certain situations in ways in which other people cannot. Because of this, they can think of new ways of how such situations can be tackled. This is how inventions are born. A person with an inventive mind sees a new situation where he thinks of a new solution how he could improve this situation with his invention.
This process is continued continuously with new generations of inventors seeing and coming back to old situations over and over again, inventing new things along the way.
negatives = []
zeros = []
positives = []
while True:
number = input("Enter a number: ")
if number == "":
number = int(number)
if number < 0:
elif number == 0:
for n in negatives:
for z in zeros:
for p in positives:
Initialize three lists to hold the numbers
Create a while loop that iterates until the user enters a blank line
Inside the loop:
If the number is smaller than 0, put it in the negatives list
If the number is 0, put it in the zeros list
Otherwise, put the number in the negatives list
When the while loop is done, create three for loops to print the numbers inside the lists
1, 3, & 4.
Is the way to do so. Good luck.