New research shows how technology and experimental methods in science can always help and be of help when trying to find out the fine details and see how a theory should be updated and what is needed to be corrected in a certain hypothesis or theory.
Dinosaurs they are termed as a diverse group of reptiles. They first appeared in the time of triassic.
After triassic and jurassic extinction event, dinosaurs became terrestrial vertebrates.
Option number 2 is correct. When you talk together in a group during a laboratory exercise, you are engaging in classroom scientific communication.
Any type of communication that is made regarding science is described as a scientific communication. This kind of communication generally involves talks about research, recent advances in any scientific topics or techniques, observations that one might have made on a particular science topic, asking another person about any science-related topic or techniques, etc.
If a scientist talks about any science topic to the public, then it would be a public scientific communication. A scientific communication made among scientists would be termed as professional scientific communication. Any science based communication that is made and kept private would be termed as private scientific communication.
Hence, option 2 is correct. A science based communication between students in a lab would be classroom scientific communication.
I think the answers are A, B, and C.