They are adapted for photosynthesis by having a large surface area, and contain openings, called stomata to allow carbon dioxide into the leaf and oxygen out
Heat can help relieve joint pain<span>. If you get sore muscles once in a while, you can take </span>acetaminophen<span> (</span>Tylenol) or anonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug<span> (</span>NSAID<span>) like </span>aspirin,ibuprofen<span> (</span>Advil<span>, </span>Motrin<span>), or </span>naproxen<span> (</span>Aleve<span>)to help ease the discomfort. A hot bath may help</span>
The somatic nervous system(SNS), autonomic nervous system (ANS), and entericnervous system (ENS). The portion of the peripheralnervous system consisting ofsomatic sensory (afferent) neurons and somatic motor (efferent) neurons.