The Mesopotamia were polytheistic when it happened to faith, they believe in various demons and who they pray to be depended on their requirement.
Example used in the text: Marduk primitive male inventor and Adad, the river spirit. The spirits described physical results.
For example: if a person owes wealth and Adad has overwhelmed the man's jurisdiction, the man will not return any tax or pay any attention in that year.
The Federalists were opposed to the War of 1812 because it would interfere with British trade relations. The Federalists considered England to be a great commercial ally, and since the Federalists were quite in favor of staying wealthy, they didn't want to risk ruining their connections.
Truman integrated the armed forces. He put black and white soldiers together in the Vietnam War
Laissez faire- government didn't regulate business nearly enough. Businesses could monopolize and jack up their prices. lack of government involvement is hurting america.
not too sure about business consolidates
big businesses becoming powerful- big business could swamp small businesses and raise their prices really high, but there would be no small businesses left for people to spend their money on a cheaper alternative