Lebensraum translates as 'Living room'.
It was the belief that Germany should conquer neighbouring countries in order to make room for their Aryan master race to thrive.
The effect that the Mexican Revolution had on other Latin American nations was that Mexican Nationalism inspired similar economic and political reforms in other countries.
Arlington National Cemetery, Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial and U.S. Navy Memorial
Arlington National Cemetery, Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial and U.S. Navy Memorial are the events that took place in Washington D.C. on Veterans Day. These events were held in order to give tribute to the persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces by defending their country against enemies.
The message from SS Grupenfuhrer would change the business life of the Jews and affect their business prosperity in Germany. That because it was given to address the action the state police should take against the Jews. For example, all businesses establishment of the Jews including their houses should be destroyed but not to be lotted; the police were in charge of supervising the execution and incase of looting they needed to arrest the looters as well as safeguarding the non-Jewish business at all costs. the message also required that all Jews as many as the jail could hold needed to be arrested in all districts