C. Characters with little genetic variation will constrain the rate of natural selection
Natural selection can have an effect only as long as there are variations on characters on which it can select upon. Genetic variation is independent of the environment or the needs that a species may have to become better adapted to its changing environment. In other words, genetic mutations are the raw material on which natural selection can work. If there is a low rate for mutations to occur, then natural selection will proceed at a slow pace. The opposite is also true. Since mutation rate may be more frequent at some locations in a gene than at others, it can be predicted that the characters coded in that gene location will be more likely to be affected by natural selection and therefore what phenotype may be molded by natural selection.
The answer requires looking at the meaning of the words 'theory' and 'law'. The formal definition of a theory is that it is a comprehensive explanation of a observed phenomenon supported by a lot of evidence. Law is a fact that is bound to be true in nature, example Newton's second law. However, a theory is subjected to continuous refinements based on the several new findings that happen with time. These refinements make the theory appear incomplete. As with the theory of evolution, a lot of research work is being put to understand the complex phenomenon of genetic inheritance of traits of behaviour. Unless there are evidences from nature for all the aspects of evolution in theory, it'll remain a theory and not become a law.
Answer is A) Yes, if scientists decide that enough evidence supports the theory.
by having a high genetic level of melanin in your skin, you're skin is more protected from the ultra violet sun rays. Darker skinned races have more melanin present, these races originate from hot countries where sunlight is often present; the production of melanin in their skin allows them to reflect and inhibits they're skin from becoming extremely damaged. Light skinned races don't have a large amount of melanin due to they're native countries lacking sunlight. This is an evolutionary adaptation of the human race.