The marketing in pastries is mandatory as is the slow mover of the products line. The 10.8% participation in the total of sales depict a loss of margin therefore this product needs marketing to improve the sales share.
A positive impact of economic globalization is the economic integration. The world as a global village has experienced an unprecedented level of economic integration in the sense that many companies across a wide range of countries have been able to propose a variety of products to the world, which would have been very difficult or even impossible in a context of locally based or centred economy.
That statement is true.
Basically, You put your money in saving if you intended to use that money for future consumption. You put your money in investment if you intended to make financial gain out of it.
For example,
Let's say that you want to buy a laptop that cost $700. You only able to spend $350 per month since you have to consider other more important payment such as rent or food. So you set aside $350 for two month and purchase the laptop at the end of the second month. This is an example of saving.
In another case let's say that you put that $350 in Bonds rather than purchasing laptop. You Let that bond mature and take a 3% interest as profit. Two month later, the value of your money is increased. This is an example of an investment.
Answer:b. A career is a series of steps or accomplishments working towards a lifelong ambition or goal.
What is credit and debit?
Events known as business transactions have a financial influence on an organization's financial statements. We enter the figures in two accounts, with the debit column on the left and the credit column on the right, to account for these transactions.
An accounting debit is an addition to an asset or cost account or a subtraction from a liability or equity account. In an accounting entry, it is placed to the left.
A credit is an accounting item that either raises or lowers an asset or cost account. It can also increase or decrease a liability or equity account. In an accounting entry, it is placed to the right.
Learn more about credit and debit with the help of given link:-