small humans doesn't specify male or female humans so male deity seams rather off!
La Guerra Chichimeca se llevó a cabo principalmente en los actuales estados de Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Jalisco y San Luis Potosí entre los indígenas zacatecos y guachichiles contra los españoles y sus aliados indígenas.
The French word translates to "memory," and a "memoir" is an autobiography that is a collection of the author's memories and personal experiences.
The World Bank last year deemed South Africa the world's most unequal society. The source of the inequality that plagues South Africa is multifaceted. Unemployment, poor education programs and a collapsing public health system all play a role.
It was August 7, 1964 when the Gulf of Tunkin
Resolution passed by the US Congress right after the alleged attack on two US
naval destroyers stationed off the coast of Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution viably propelled America's full-scale inclusion in the Vietnam War.
Though there is no formal declaration of war, this also gave President Johnson
approval "to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force,
to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense
Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom." This has been
used by Johnson and Pres. Richard Nixon as a justification for escalated
involvement in Indochina.