The phrase Jefferson wrote to explain these rights is:
"among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
In The Declaration of Independence, Jefferson states that "all men are created equal." According to Jefferson, we are all born with the same rights, as he enumerates in the phrase below:
"among these [rights] are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
Jefferson also defends the idea that we have the right to reject a government that does not work to ensure those rights. Notice that, at the beginning of the phrase, he says "among these", meaning we are entitled to other rights. The ones he mentions are perhaps the most basic and yet most important ones.
c. reciprocal determinism
The term reciprocal determinism is a concept that was first introduced by Albert Bandura. This term refers to the phenomenon by which one person's behavior influences the environment, and in a reciprocal way the behavior is also influenced by that same environment. In other words, <u>we act and our actions influence others around us which then will react to our actions </u>and this will affect our actions again, in a cycle.
In this example, Harold thought Grant was mad at him so he ignored Grant's calls and attempts at conversation. In consequence, Grant got angered. But actually, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. We can see that <u>Harold behavior influenced the environment, his actions had an effect on Grant who ended up being angered by Harold's attitude</u>. Therefore, this would be an example of reciprocal determinism.
It increased demands for more housing built and entertainment for up and coming miners that were heading to the area, causing the Californian economy to boom during this time.
Finland because it's really beautiful, the waterfalls and landscape over there. Also the people seem really nice.