Ancient Grecian Government
Ancient Greece was the beginning of democracy. In 507 BC Cleisthenes introduced a new form of government and principle which was "rule by the people" and leaders were elected.
This system was divided into three groups: writers of the laws, a council of representatives from each tribe, and courts where citizens argued cases before randomly-selected jurors.
Ancient Roman Government
Roman government went through many changes during its existence including city state, kingdom, republic, and imperial periods. Its main principle was that of "republic" in which leaders were elected and only for a limited time.
Like the Greeks, the Republican Roman government had three separate branches of government but they operated a little bit differently: legislative (makes laws) with the Senate and assemblies, executive (enforces laws) led by two consuls, and judicial (interprets laws) with eight judges.
I think that the best answer is that it was during The New Kingdom. The New Kingdom was the time between 16 century BC and 11 century BC. It was a time of great richness and power of Egypt and it included such famous pharaohs as Tutankhamun and Hatshepsut.
The pressure to loosen clean air standards is based in allegations that the standards affect industry development and economy because the adjustments require further modernization and some industry even need to change their whole machinery or line production to be able to meet the legal requirements, as for the car industry, slowing down production or increasing costs.
In short-term that is very likely to be true, the industry will have to do some investment, but the price will be lower than the long-term cost of keeping up polluting the air.
The clean air standards should not be loosen because loosen the standards will benefits only specific groups and temporary, later and in other domains the loosen of the standards will affects human and other animals quality of life and environment. The economic impact will be seen later on healthy sector, food sector as agriculture and livestock, in nature disaster and in the lack of natural resources due to dramatic landscape changes.
We should not think about just economic impact of now when taking this decisions but we should consider systematic risks and consequences of supporting the loosen of clean air standards.
We must keep in mind that some process in nature are irreversible and when one action as the pollution of air is impacting towards things we will not be able to revert anymore the cost will be much higher in future than is now to adapt to the clean standards.
Maturity?? he is realizing the path that he wants, not the one his parents want.