Vaccine, bacteria, pathogens, cells, toxins, antibiotics. In that order vaccine being first
Answer: A B C
The synthesis of ATPS takes place in the mitochondrial and chloro plasts of cells.It is an exergonic reaction that involves the use of energy released from influx of protons to for the catalysis of in organic phosphate and ADP by enzyme ATP Synthase in the stroma and matrix of chloroplasts and mitochondrial respectively.
The 3 bonds that connected phosphate ions to ADP to form ATP must be broken down(hydrolysis) with water to release the energy for biochemical activities of the cells.
The first bond hydrolysis releases first phosphate and ATP changed to ATP,
The second bond releases breakage changed the ADP to AMP with the release of more energy.
Invertebrates are the organisms in which backbone or vertebral column is absent.
The three macroinvertebrate categories are annelids, mollusks and arthropods.
Annelids are the organisms having segmented body. They are found in moist places. Examples are leeches and earth worms.
Mollusks are the organisms which are enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell. Examples are snails and slugs.
arthropods are the invertebrates which have segmented body and jointed appendages. Examples are insects and crustaceans etc.
Is it true that all cells have the same genes, but different genes are active in different cells.
No, all cells are made up of a gene which is inherited from the parents cell. The gene is located in the DNA which is found in the nucleus of every living cell