Penelope said that before she married, she had to weave a burial shroud for Lord Laertes. At night, she would in weave what she had done during the day to hold off the suitors. After three years they discover her trick, and she is forced to finish the shroud.
because you don't have to worry about forgetting your school supplies.
You won't be able to see your friends face to face but at least you won't forget about anything, for example; <em>books, pencils, etc.</em>
<span>B. Bored with ranch life, Elisa longs for adventure.</span>
It is because there is little work, and they need something to keep them occupied
He was born poor, but rose to a wealthy status. In the sense of rising up social rank and obtaining financial success, Gatsby achieved the American Dream.
The correct answer is D. Division
A fallacy refers to a faulty argument or argument that is invalid due to problems in the reasoning process, these issues are classified into different types of fallacies such as ad hominem faulty analogy, division, etc. In the case of division fallacy, this occurs when the speaker assumes something is true and valid about the parts that compose a unit just because this is true about the unit or the whole, which means the speaker believes. This occurs in the argument "That baseball team won the World Series, so the players must be outrageously talented baseball players", because the author of this argument assumes all the players are "outrageously talented" because the team or whole is talented, which is invalid as there might be players that are not that talented although the whole team was able to win.