They send the signals chemically and electrically from one neuron to the next
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The skin is the body's largest organ, but not all skin is the same. Skin structure, and the way it behaves, differs slightly according to where it is on our bodies. ... Some areas of the body, for example the hands and face, are more exposed to external forces such as the sun and cleaning products than other parts.
Living cells go through a series of stages known as the cell cycle. The cells grow, copy their chromosomes, and then divide to form new cells.
Temperatura optimă de germinare este cuprinsă intre: 22-26oC. Temperatura de germinare nu trebuie să fie mai mică de 15oC.
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Lipsa completă a luminii în primele zile până la răsărire (acoperire cu ziare sau carton din hârtie).