will this work or help?
Multiple births can include fraternal or identical multiples ... This can happen if your body releases multiple eggs and ... Are a twin yourself or have twins in your family.
Diffrent type of biome because we do not live in a rainforest or desert
Smooth ER versus Rough ER
ribosomes allow the Rough ER to make protiens
-Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14.
-Once a living thing dies, it no longer takes in carbon.
-Carbon-14 dating works for fossils as old as 50,000 years.
-Geologists do not use carbon-based radiometric dating to determine the age of rocks. Carbon dating only works for objects that are younger than about 50,000 years, and most rocks of interest are older than that.
-Carbon dating is used by archaeologists to date trees, plants, and animal remains; as well as human artifacts made from wood and leather; because these items are generally younger than 50,000 years.
-Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730 years, meaning that 5730 years after an organism dies, half of its carbon-14 atoms have decayed to nitrogen atoms.