When Joan said that she would feed Jean's dog
A verbal contract comes into existence when there is a proposal and the person who receives the offer accepts the conditions. When the offeror and the offeree comes into a verbal agreement (terms and conditions) the speaking acceptance becomes the contract into reality.
1. Pressures for local responsiveness may make it difficult to ______________________________.
monitor and adapt to changing customer tastes in a large number of foreign markets
2. __________________________is the most appropriate strategy when there are substantial differences across nations with regard to consumer tastes and preferences, and where cost pressures are not too intense.
Localization strategy
3. ___________________________ is the most appropriate strategy when the firm simultaneously faces strong pressures for both cost reductions and local responsiveness.
Transnational strategy
4. A firm facing low pressures for local responsiveness and few pressures to contain costs might best pursue a(n) _______________________.
international strategy
5. Markets are dynamic, and any firm will face competition. In time, international and localization strategies tend to become less viable, and managers need to ________________________________.
orient their companies toward either a global standardization or transnational strategy
When a company's global business activities are coordinated via cooperation and interdependence between its head office, operational divisions, and internationally located subsidiaries or retail outlets, the entity tends to realize more competitive advantages than when it uses a single strategy. This is why the transnational strategy is offering the best alternative for international businesses in the globalized economy.
d. 2750 units
The break-even point occurs when the make option cost equals the buy option cost. The number of units 'x' needed in order for both options to yield the same costs is given by:

The break-even point is 2,750 units
-He cuts the pie into eight equal slices.
-He cuts the pie into many slices so that everyone gets a piece.
-He lets one person eat the whole pie.
-He makes sure that the whole pie is eaten.
Equity deals with distribution i.e to ensure things are equally distributed
Efficiency is trying to make sure things are completely used up i.e act of preventing waste