experiment to determine how the type of food source available affects the rate of cellular.
I know it will decrease. The venticles are filling with less blood between beats most likely since the heart is beating faster. (I hope this helps!)
Photos means light
tropos means turning
phototropism means turning towards the light
answer is A
(gravotropizom is like gravity, if you hold that kind of plant sideways, it will try to turn sidewyas, dunno thigmatropism, helio tropizom is turning toward the sun (but ther are other light sources other than sun))
Answer:</h2><h2>A at Earth's surface</h2>
Most metamorphic rocks form deep below the Earth's surface. These rocks are formed from either igneous or sedimentary rocks, making them a changed...
The correct answer is B.It was necessary that each of the two phage components, DNA and protein, be identifiable upon recovery at the end of the experiment
Hershey and chase in his experiment lebelled the T₂ bacteriophage with radioactive sulfur and radioactive phosphorus separately. Then they infect E.coli with T₂phage and separated phage from bacteria by centrifugation.
Because DNA contains phosphorus not protein, cells infected with phage containing radioactive phosphorous showed radioactivity bacause DNA enters the cell not protein confirming DNA is the genetic material and radioactive sulfur was found in supernatant.