extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacture
Industrialization is the process of expansion of modernization through which the means of production of a society pass. It is accompanied by technological expansion and economic development. The goal of industrialization is to promote the development of companies that produce manufactures in various areas, such as steel, steel and technology.
1. Founded
2. Devoted
3. Benefited
4. Eventually
5. Transform
6. Innovation
Negative to neutral. Most people do not like being saddled with a future coworker of they had not meet prior to them. They feel it force. some may be happy, some neutral, and most will be negative/pessimistic/Moody while thinking of a bad time they'll have with them. it isn't until time proves them wrong.
Issue log
Issue log -
Issue log is the tool , which consists of the list of the ongoing and closed issues of the project .
This tool enables to trace any error present in the project , it also organises the errors present in the project .
Hence, from the given statement of the question,
The correct term is issue log.
British settlement of North America began at a time when the idea that Englishmen were entitled to a special heritage of rights and liberties was quickly gaining ground. Even at its earliest stages, the colonists imported language reflecting this heritage into the legal and political arrangements of the communities they founded. In 1606, in the First Charter of Virginia, for example, King James I (reigned 1603–1625) guaranteed to the colonists and their posterity all of the “liberties, franchises, and immunities” possessed by anyone born in England. Every colonial charter included similar provisions.
The crucial importance that Sir Edward Coke attributed to Magna Carta as the basic guarantee of English rights in England was likewise reflected in the laws of the colonies. For instance, at Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1641, Nathaniel Ward, a jurist and Puritan minister who came to America in 1634, compiled “The Body of Liberties” (later, the basis of Massachusetts law), which contained a synopsis of Magna Carta’s guarantees of freedom from unlawful imprisonment or execution, unlawful seizure of property, right to a trial by jury, and guarantee of due process of law. Over time, all of the colonies adopted language from Magna Carta to guarantee basic individual liberties.