Affirmative action programs for under-represented minorities.
Affirmative action is defied as a policy where the race, color, sex, national origin or religion are considered to increase the opportunities provided to an underrepresented section of the society. It supports members of any disadvantage group or minorities who have discriminated in areas of housing, employment and education.
In the context, The University of California took the affirmative actions against the disadvantaged minorities to provide admission to them despite the Federal court decision in California v. Bakke (1978) to prohibit the use of the quota system to get admission in the university.
recent African origin (RAO)
The recent African origin (RAO) models claims that all Homo Sapiens living today are the descendants of the humans which migrated from Africa.
This means that the first Homo Sapiens were born in Africa and later migrated to rest of the world. The other hominims were not as adaptable to the environment compared to Homo Sapiens and they died out.
Even though there was interbreeding among different hominims Homo Sapiens are the only surviving animals belonging to the Homo genus.
Radical: Something done in a new and usual different way than any other approaches; a unique approach.
Many things including protests
Well if you were/are an introvert you will consider yourself quite timid most time focusing on inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. you also would rather hang around yourself or with one or two people and would consider yourself different as you dont want to be popular and known well.