People wanted to see why an event like this is worth celebrating and what the outcome of columbus voyage to the new world had done to help found a new nation that set an example to creating a republic for the people.
That was before the revolutionary war, but what are you asking???
I disagree
because it is not ok to debate. everyone should be owned by a dictator. there is my opinion anyone else?
Bosnian serbs began cleansing to rid of minorities also muslims and croats in bosnia not to rid of yugoslavia
He did not rely on the traditional method of an architectural framework.
Giotto Di Bondone was a popular painter who is characterized as the 'father of modern painting.' He reinvented the prevailing by adding volume, emotions, depth, etc. to it. He produced a distinct method for showing depth in the architectural framework. He did not depend on the traditional method and generated an illusion of depth which he displayed on a flat surface and depicted the dramatic events realistically which seemed to be actually happening on the stage.